Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Goin' to Town Peddler

Chestnut Junction frog girlfriend
Little Annie with heart nose...
Mr. Snow, Chestnut Junction pattern
My go-to angel  from pattern byOff-the-Beam
Crow's Roost pattern is one of my favorites
And  vintage doilies with bird.... great buttons
basket of kitty pillows... 4X 6
basket of heart hangers with my handmade bow 
tree of 4 X 4 birds, but not taking the prickley tree that everyone wants to buy.
and Mama Snow with her babies
 Happy Monday, the sun is shining!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Nine Reindeer in a Hat

 I was a little uneasy about shipping these little guys, but got word today they arrived safely!  They were challenging to make.  Pattern is by Hickety Pickety! 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

More angel snowpeople....

Happy Sunday, no real snow in Michigan.  These are an idea from the Woodland Primitives angel pattern.  They have little wire halos.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Snowman Ornament....

 Suggested by fellow crafter Julie, I made this today.  His eyes are french knots and smile embroidered  and nose with fabric pen.  Now....should I tea-dye or leave him white?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

New Reindeer and Elves, Elvis, Elton, and ElFonz

Two of these, one with pine cones, one not.
I stink at making bows.  I am ordering an EZ Bowmaker. 
My style of elves have raggedy andy noses.

 Happy Tuesday and thanks for coming by.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Little short santa

 Santa was sold right away.  Made him from a Sweet Meadows Farm pattern.  Somehow he got missed when I posted.  

Friday, November 20, 2020

Santa and Elfie

Got that lovely stick at The Farm, Petersburg, Illinois.

Elfie and Santa are traveling in the same package, hope they are getting along!  Beautiful day in Michigan!

Saturday, November 7, 2020


I like doing words because they come out pretty good, Flowers and leaves, not so good.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Top Hats

I've been "trying" to help Jackie with making a top hat.  She has a great new snowman pattern to make.  I had to use my "prototype" so this is what I came up with.  Have material to make one more, then I will qualify as a "top hat" expert.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Little Fat Bear & Friend

 Santa has a bid on my ebay!!  Bear just got finished a minute ago.  

Friday, October 23, 2020

New Ebay


Thanksgiving couple, only one this year. Sweet Meadows Farm pattern.
Have a bid on this kitty.
sister cat
Hannah and her turkey, Crows Roost and Chestnut Junction design.
Raven's Haven pattern used, best turkeys around.
A favorite, pattern by Pat Beam.  Just noticed her halo is a little askew, too much debate watching last night.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Cats on Ebay today

Grungy clothes on these two, something I don't usually do because cats are very tidy animals.