Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Christmas Ornaments

I made these from some Christmas print fabric and canning jar lids and rings.  (Not new ones, because there are none of those to be found).  So I recycled you might say.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Latest Ladies

 Looks like I can't decide what season is IN !!  I think I am finished with Halloween for now.  (Maybe)

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Little things and more

 Special order finished, Lady Liberty, pattern Prim and Proper Folks...
I like black pumpkins, also pokey-dots.
 Chestnut Junction pattern with minor changes.
Jack Bat, also Chestnut Junction, with minor changes too.

Cold and rainy, fall is here!

Cats on Ebay today

Grungy clothes on these two, something I don't usually do because cats are very tidy animals.